Orlando Torah Academy maintains an Eruv in Encore and Villatel Village throughout the year
Due to the fact that the eruv needs to be checked weekly be in touch with us
at 407-412-3199 to ensure it has been checked.
The Orlando Torah Center shul is within the boundaries of the eruv. The eruv includes the subdivisions of Sand Lake Hills, Orange Tree, Palm Lake area, parts of Hidden Springs and Bay Park. The sidewalks on Wallace and Apopka-Vineland Rd. are not included in the eruv boundaries. For specific questions, you may call Kosher Orlando at 407-412-3199.
For Pesach our eruv experts put up Eruvin in various developments (some public, some private).
We usually put up an eruv in the following developments for Pesach: The Retreat at Champions Gate both new and some years in old, Solterra, and Windsor Westside. There is an eruv that we maintian year-round in Encore and Villatel Village.
If you would like to have an Eruv put up at other times throughout the year, please contact Kosher Orlando at 407-412-3199. Keep in mind that this can be a costly endeavor.
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