
The Orlando tourist area is made up of many resort developments. 


The Orlando frum community is a 25 – 55 minute drive from the developments. 


The most popular developments are Eden Gardens, Encore, Champions Gate, Villatel Village, and Reunion.

Although these villas have “private pools”, most of them can been seen into from neighboring properties.
Townhomes usually have a “splash pool” (small pool). Most of these are somewhat more private (as they tend to be partially walled in).
Some villas have pool alarms on the back doors. If the pool has a safety gate then it may be possible to have management disable the alarm for Shabbos.

Narrow your search by selecting your desired development.

See below for useful information on the different developments (minyanim, eruv etc.)

Make sure to select your desired destination (such as “Villatel Village”)

We are happy to offer villa rentals direct from frum owners at a discounted price

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This is a brand new, frum development and is not fully complete. While some of the homes will be kept as private residences, more and more are becoming available for short term rent. For most homes the intention is to keep the rentals strictly kosher, therefore, they are rented out privately and will not be listed on Airbnb, etc.


6–11 bedroom villas

Current amenities are: Shul, tennis, basketball. 

25-35 minute walk from Champions Gate “New”

There is an eruv which is checked weekly.

Minyanim on Shabbos year round & Weekdays most of the time.
(dedicated Shul in the clubhouse)

4–12 bedroom villas

Waterpark – ONLY if your booking includes waterpark access

The maximum walk is 20 min

The east side is a little cheaper and has a playground that’s part of the resort membership

There is an eruv – be in touch with us at 407-412-3199 to ensure the eruv is checked

Minyanim often on busy weeks


4–14 bedroom villas

Villas are very spread out – it is on multiple golf courses

Even if there is a minyan on the side that you are on you need to ensure that it is walkable

Crossing over I4 is Techum Shabbos

There has never been an eruv encompassing all of reunion

West of I4

Minyanim often on busy weeks

East of I4

Pesach there is usually a minyan sometimes mid-winter as well

6–12 bedroom villas

Villas are pretty close together

There is a very big playground

The whole development is one long block that is a maximum 15 minute walk from one end to the other

5-30 minute walk to Solterra

There is an eruv – be in touch with us at 407-412-3199 to ensure the eruv is checked

Minyanim often on busy weeks


4–5 bedroom townhomes

5–10 bedroom villas

There are three sections which are nicknamed phase 1 (aka “old”), phase 2 and phase 3 (both are aka “new”).

Phase 1 to phases 2 & 3 is about a 30-60 minute walk. Phases 2 & 3 are about a 10-30 minute walk from one to another

Phase 1

Eruv is usually up Pesach

Minyanim often on busy weeks

The maximum walk is 27 minutes

Phase 2

Eruv is usually up Pesach

Minyanim often on busy weeks though may combine with phase 3

The maximum walk is 15 minutes

Phase 3

Eruv is usually up Pesach

Minyanim often on busy weeks though may combine with phase 2

The maximum walk is 12 minutes

This section has 2–3 bedroom condos as well (without pools)

4 bedroom townhomes

7–14 bedroom villas

The maximum walk is 25 min

Eruv is usually up Pesach

Minyanim often on busy weeks

5-35 minute walk to Villatel Village

This is a relatively new resort and is starting to grow in popularity. Pesach 2024 saw a nice size crowd with homes at a very reasonable rate.

Up to 10 bedroom villas

Eruv is usually up Pesach

Pesach there is a minyan and sometimes during other busy weeks as well

A short drive to Eden Gardens

There are two phases

4 bedroom townhomes

Up to 10 bedroom villas

There is no eruv

Pesach there is a minyan usually mid-winter as well

The maximum walk is 15-20 minutes

Approximately a  30 min walk to Windsor Westside

There are three phases

Up to 9 bedroom villas

Eruv is usually up Pesach

Pesach there is a minyan

10-30 min walk to Solara

Bella Vida

Very far out – on the east side of Kissimmee

3–4 bedroom townhomes

Older phase has 4–6 bedroom villas

Newer phase has 7–12 bedrooms

No eruv

Storey Lake

4–10 bedroom villas

No eruv

Pesach there is usually a minyan sometimes mid-winter as well


Up to 10 bedroom villas

No eruv

Pesach there is usually a minyan

Windsor Palms

2–3 bedroom condos

3 bedroom townhomes

3–6 bedroom villas

No eruv

Emerald Island

3–4 bedroom townhomes

4–7 bedroom villas

No eruv

Options Near Orlando Torah Center


Arnold Palmer’s Bay Hill Lodge

This is the closest hotel; it is about a 20-minute walk.

9000 Bay Hill Blvd, Orlando, FL 32819


Universal’s Cabana Bay Beach Resort

This is about a 45-minute walk

6550 Adventure Way, Orlando, FL 32819 





Options Near Chabad

Drury Inn and Suites

About an 8-minute walk from Chabad

7301 West Sand Lake Road Orlando, FL, 32819

407 354 1101


Crowne Plaza Orlando

About a 24 minute walk from Chabad

7800 Universal Blvd. Orlando, FL, 32819

407 355 0550


La Quinta Inn & Suites

About a 30 minute walk from Chabad

8504Universal Blvd. Orlando, FL, 32819

407 345 1365

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